Let Us Help You Feel Your Best With:
Osteoporosis Screening
Over 54 million Americans have low bone-density or Osteoporosis and about half of women 50+ will break a bone due to Osteoporosis. Don’t be one of them!
Osteoporosis is a condition that causes weak or broken bones, commonly in post-menopausal women. Fortunately, lifestyle changes including exercise and correct calcium intake can help prevent osteoporosis from occurring. A bone density scan at Bremo Pharmacy can help identify if you are at risk for, or already have, osteoporosis. Learn more.
Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)
Want to take the edge off of menopause? Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy is a customized form of hormone therapy, designed to balance the hormones in your unique body. Learn More.