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Compression Garments: A Guide to Leg Relief!

Do you stand all day at work and come home with aching feet? Do you take long airline flights on a regular basis? Have your […]

Do You Need a Nap? Let’s Talk About Sleep Quality!

Are you sleeping well? Sleep is a crucial period for your body to rest and rejuvenate. Your body undertakes many important processes while you sleep […]

Start the New Year with a Healthy Heart

Keeping your blood pressure under control can help prevent heart attacks, strokes, kidney disease, eye disease, and more. As you plan for 2019, make sure […]

Getting to Know CBD Oil

There’s a new product gaining popularity across the country: CBD oil. Like most new products on the market, people have many questions. This product may […]

Poison Ivy: Tips to an Itch Free Summer

It’s that time of year again. It’s time to get out and about to enjoy some of the warm weather while it lasts. Whether you […]

Blood Pressure Updates – What You Need to Know

The American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) recently released new guidelines for the diagnosis and management of high blood pressure (hypertension). The […]

How to Use Over-the-Counter Medications Safely

With colder weather quickly approaching, many people will be rushing to the pharmacy to pick up symptom-relieving and seemingly life-saving over-the-counter medications (OTC) to combat […]

Probiotics: How Good Is Good Bacteria?

Probiotics have only been around for the past few decades but have garnered a lot of attention in a short period of time. Many people […]

Free Osteoporosis Screenings

Did you know that about 54 million Americans suffer from osteoporosis?   Osteoporosis is a disease  in which bones become brittle or fragile.  Many people do not […]