Heart Month

February is American Heart Month! Did you know that heart disease is a leading cause of death in the United States for both men and women? Approximately one person dies every 34 seconds in the United States due to heart disease. The good news is that you can do a lot to protect your heart and lower your risk of developing heart disease that could lead to a heart attack.

So what puts you at risk for heart disease?

  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Overweight or obesity
  • Prediabetes or diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Lack of regular physical activity
  • Unhealthy eating habits
  • Family history of heart disease
  • History of preeclampsia
  • Age 55 or older for women or 45 years or older for men

While some of these risk factors cannot be changed like your age, gender at birth, and family history, you can make positive lifestyle changes today to help with your heart health.

At Bremo we have services to help you with your heart health!!

  • High blood pressure heart health screening
  • 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
    • Captures up to 96 readings of blood pressure in a 24 hour period
    • Preferred method for diagnosing high blood pressure, white coat hypertension and hypotension
    • Results will be sent to physician for medical advice and treatment decisions
    • Call us today to set up your appointment at 804-288-8361 ext. 150
  • Cholesterol Screening

Call us today at 804-288-8361 to schedule an appointment to help improve your heart health!!

Stroke Smart Virginia is a health initiative to reduce pre-hospital delays associated with stroke by educating the public to recognize the signs and symptoms of stroke and early 9-1-1 activation.

  • Download and print this Stroke Smart memory aid to help you recognize the signs and understand how important it is to call 911 immediately!



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