Tdap, DTaP, Td, DT… What are all these letters?!

Everyone has heard of the Tdap, DTaP, Td, and DT vaccines, but what do they stand for? When do we receive them? Why are they […]

Tdap Immunization: How to Protect Your Baby

Bremo Pharmacy loves taking care of expecting mothers, new moms, and babies by providing breast pumps, and compounded medications. Included in these services is immunizations […]

Who Should Take A Multivitamin?

Over 50% of Americans take a multivitamin or some sort of vitamin supplement daily.  Research has given us conflicting answers on whether vitamins are beneficial.  […]

Healthy Legs

It is important to be proactive about good leg health to be able to properly perform daily activities and to live well.  Some signs and […]