Zoom Guides for Tablet, Laptop, and Smart Phone!
Zoom is an online video conference system that allows users to communicate through video, audio, or both. In this time of social distancing, Zoom has […]

Compression Garments: A Guide to Leg Relief!
Do you stand all day at work and come home with aching feet? Do you take long airline flights on a regular basis? Have your […]

How to Use and Wear Compression Stockings
What are compression stockings? Compression stockings (also known as compression hose, pressure stockings, support stockings, and gradient stockings) are special stockings designed to improve blood […]

6 Tips To Help Prevent Falls
Falls put seniors at risk of serious injury including brain injury or broken bones. A broken hip from a fall is often what ends independent […]

Medication Safety Tips for Older Adults
The older we get, the more likely we are to be taking additional medications which can increase the risk for drug interactions and side effects. […]
5 Ways to Get Your Medications Organized
5 Ways to Get Your Medications Organized For many seniors the ability to remember to take their medications correctly can be the difference between living […]

Reclaim your free time in the New Year… let us do the busy work!
When you take multiple medications, it gets messy trying to keep it organized. SyncRX is a way to have all your prescriptions filled on the […]

Protect yourself from the cold, flu and more. WHY IS HANDWASHING IMPORTANT? Touching your mouth, eyes, nose and ears with dirty hands can spread germs. […]