Travel Smart – Utilize Bremo Pharmacy Services

  Traveling for pleasure, business, or for a mission trip? Your pharmacy can help you prepare for your travel by taking care of your travel […]

5 Ways to Get Your Medications Organized

5 Ways to Get Your Medications Organized For many seniors the ability to remember to take their medications correctly can be the difference between living […]

Reclaim your free time in the New Year… let us do the busy work!

When you take multiple medications, it gets messy trying to keep it organized. SyncRX is a way to have all your prescriptions filled on the […]

Pharmacist In Action!

A Bremo pharmacy patient was admitted to the hospital and medication changes were made upon discharge from the hospital. The patient presented to the pharmacy […]

Bremo Pharmacy In Action

A Bremo pharmacy patient was admitted to the emergency room (ER) for a very high blood pressure emergency late on a Saturday night. The patient […]

Personalized Medication List

What is a Personalized Medication List? A personalized medication list is a record of all prescription medicines, over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, vitamins, supplements, and herbals that […]